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This one is just for aesthetical purposes

raw archives scripts,

plot flow, and other performative aids

Scrapped concepts, statement of intent, inspirations, and all of the reasons why


The "place" where

The Tea Party takes place

The one that started all of this

Displayed here is all the elements of what the tea party was going to be,

I wish for you a great and thoughtful journey in exploring these pages of ideas and concepts that cannot be.

Is a multi-layered installation, performance and interaction based artwork. 

This Tea party is a way to ridicule and make fun of reality that always takes rationale, logic and time so seriously,





Erudio Gn. Sindur
Jl. Kp. Ciater No.35, RT.1/RW.12, Rawakalong, Kec. Gn. Sindur, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16340

021 - 756 850 13

081 770 804 090 (Ms. Niniz)

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Erudio Blok M
Pasaraya Blok M, Gedung A, Pintu 6 Lt. GF. Melawai, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta

Copyright © 2022 Erudio Indonesia.

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